CHICAGO, Jan. 17, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Real Business Solutions () invites business filers, QuickBooks users and payroll service bureaus to try the W2 E-mail feature available inside W2 Mate software. Through W2 Mate, businesses can generate secure, IRS-compliant and ready-to-email W2 forms in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format). The can then be batch e-mailed to employees instead of paper copies, which delivers tangible money and time-saving benefits. W2 Mate generates an unlimited number of secure PDF W2 forms for an unlimited number of employers for one low fee.
W2 Mate offers a high-quality W2 processing solution while remaining one of the most competitively priced software applications in the market. Free W2 Software trial can be downloaded from W2 Mate's website by visiting. W2 Filers can purchase the W2 software and receive it instantly. Once W2s are in PDF format, filers can use the batch email utility integrated inside W2 Mate to deliver the 2012 tax forms to employees electronically. W2 Mate can send thousands of emails with a click of a button. 'The W2 Form email feature available inside W2 Mate makes a breeze. No forms to print, no envelopes to stuff, no paper cuts, no postage and no headache.
Just enter employee information, generate a PDF file and email,' says W2 Mate product manager Nancy Walters. Instead of printing employee W2s on blank paper or pre-printed W2 forms, W2 Mate can create a secure, password protected PDF file for each employee. In order to open the PDF files, employees would use their social security number and the city name portion of their address. Emailing password-protected PDF W2 forms is probably more secure than paper forms which could be stolen or lost in the mail. W2 Mate was the first W2 software to introduce the ability to generate and email secure PDF W2 Forms and PDF 1099 Forms. Emailing W2 forms saves businesses precious time and money.
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Large organizations such as banks and universities are currently using electronic delivery of W2 forms to reduce the costly and labor-intensive process of printing and then distributing these forms by mail. W2 Mate Software Highlights: • Prepares unlimited number of 2012 1099 and W-2 tax forms for multiple employers and payers. • E-files 2012 W2s and 1099s with the SSA and IRS (no limitations on the number of tax forms or submissions).
• Generates ready-to-email 2012 W-2 forms and 1099 forms. Which eliminates the need to print and email W2s and 1099s.
• SSA-approved to print W2 and W3 forms on regular paper including government copies. • Data import from MS Dynamics, Great Plains, Intuit QuickBooks, Sage Peachtree, Sage DacEasy, Excel and CSV. Data import from QuickBooks removes the '800 Form' / '$10 Million payroll' maximum limitation. • Efficient and intuitive manual W2 / 1099 data entry. • Supports 1099MISC, 1099K, 1099INT, 1099DIV, 1099R, W2, W3, 1096, 1099S, 1098T, 1098, 1099A, 1099B, 1099C, 1099PATR, 1099OID. • Automatically calculates Social Security and Medicare taxes. For paper filers are automatically generated.