Physical-chemical processes used to obtain high- alumina ceramics. This chapter contains a cr it ical survey of the phase diagram of the system AI203 - SIP2, a descr ip- tion of the theory of the synthesis of mullite, deals with the formation temperature of 'secondary mullite', the eiIect of additives on the prqperttes ol the muW~ Bagger, sintering and reerystall lzatiou of corundum. Azbuka domashnego terrorizma pdf. Balkevich aud P. L Science and engineering are making ever greater de- mands on reJractory materials, necessitating the improve- ment of teehn~loKy, the development of physical-chemical bases of production for diffePent types of refractories and fuller Utilization of the possibi l i t ies contained in refractory materials, Th/s book 'High-AlumL~a Ceramic and Refractory Materials' contains the following chapters: J; High-alumina raw material, This chapter describes natural alumino-si l ieates, a lumi~-hydrates and anhydrous aluminum oxide. It describes the basic deposits where thef~ types of raw material are fotmd in the Soviet Union.
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