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Compliance with the European legislation for medical measuring devices and specifically electronic thermometers the ThermoFlash LX-26 has been approved and obtained the approval and authorization to be placed on the European market, in accordance with European norms 93/42EEC MEDICAL DEVICES (Annex II, sections 3 & 4 of the Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical Devices). Consequently the ThermoFlash LX-26 is authorized to be marketed in the pharmaceutical network areas and paramedical areas. The ThermoFlash LX-26 is a reliable electronic infrared thermometer and holds no risk for the user and patient.
A good knowledge of the user manual is necessary to obtain reliable and precise temperature measurements. Compliant with European directives 93/42/EEC - 93/68/EEC (Annex II, sections 3 & 4 of the Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical Devices) ASTM Standard E1965-1998 (2003).