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/ / De_rats 2001 De_rats 2001 Name: De_rats 2001 File size: 981mb Language: English Rating: 8/10 Rats_ - Bomb/Defuse by Chris Spain () Playtesting by [SKR8]Gunslinger Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorists from blowing- up the toaster. Terrorists: The terrorist carrying the bomb must plant it on or around the toaster. (Press FIRE to continue)?[AoG. Rats Type Maps for Counter-Strike (CS) 3, views 2 posts.
Awp_rats CS - Counter-Strike Game. Counter-Strike Category. Game: Counter-Strike:; Map type: de (bomb/defuse); Size: KB; Slots: not specified; Author: not specified; Date uploaded: Download and play the custom map for Counter-Strike!
Steam Workshop: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Sep-Oct;15(5) Groups of 25 male and 25 female Crj: CD (SD) IGS rats were given BPA at, 2, 20, or microg/kg/day by gastric intubation. First published: 20 December The purpose of this study was to measure Tc‐99m‐MDP activity around titanium alloy implants placed in the tibiae of rats. Map Name, de_rats Map type, Bomb/Defuse.
Counter-Terrorists, Prevent the terrorists from blowingup the toaster. Team members must defuse any bombs. Roof rats are agile building climbers accustomed to living in urban in to nearly 20, in, though the number dropped to about. A Counter-Strike (CS) Map in the Rats Type category, by makedonecot. Virtual drive 701 free download for mac. Rats Type Maps for Counter-Strike (CS) 11mo k 2.
Awp_rats Ghost avatar. Submitter Rats Map Pack Xander avatar. Game: Counter-Strike:; Map type: de (bomb/defuse); Size: KB; Slots: not specified; Author: not specified; Date uploaded: 1 Aug - 6 min - Uploaded by ALBANIARei An modified version of Counter-Strike (playing in de_rats map) This version includes new. 29 Aug - 4 min - Uploaded by djmagracia got the headshot on the 3rd round.i used the m4a1, cool skin. Map Name, de_rats Map type, Bomb/Defuse.
Counter-Terrorists, Prevent the terrorists from blowingup the toaster. Team members must defuse any bombs. This plugin fixes a few balance issues in de_rats, cs_rats2_final, de_rats_ And stops the ability for teammates to hurt their own team.
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This is my 2nd submission so pls enjoy:) My first submission was trashed due to copyright etc.:( Anyways. This is a map pack i gathered consist of Rats type maps. These are the original maps and not customized. Enjoy:D map pack includes these maps::de_rats:cs_rats2:de_rats3:de_rats4_Final credits goes to these guys:):de_rats -Chris Spain () and [SKR8]Gunslinger:cs_rats2 -Chris Spain () and [SKR8]Gunslinger:de_rats3 -Chris Spain () and [SKR8]Gunslinger:de_rats4_final -Organic700 () and special thanks to these guyz from de_rats4_final -Uluk@i -Vollkrasser -Kn@llfrosch -King555 () -the German Elite Rangers.